Ryōshi&Kari bundle package
FBT ready
All the credits will be on their avatar gumroads:
Kari: https://fushx.gumroad.com/l/Kari (this bundle also includes the green version)
Ryōshi: https://fushx.gumroad.com/l/ryoshi
For those who have bought the Ryōshi model in the past can get a 10$ discount just DM me with proof of purchase either with the email you bought it with or a screen shot of the reciept will work!
If theres any problem with the avatar itself or need any help, contact me on discord Fushx#7188 or join my discord! https://discord.gg/nXgmEdB3D4
Only includes the avatar package! You will need the latest VRCSDK3, Poiyomi Shaders.For DPS to work you will need DynamicPenetrationSystem
You are not allowed take a part this avatar and reused the assets from the avatar if you want to use these assets go and support the creators who made them!!!!
If any creator has any issues with me using their assests commercially, please let me know immedialty! Either discord or email
NO refunds
NO reuse of ANY of these assets! Everything on this avatar go purchase the individual assets from the creators above!
NO sharing or selling this package! NO uploading as a public!
NO price splitting
DON'T claim avatar as your own
Ryōshi&Kari packages